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The email marketing tool designed for creators

Grow your business with email marketing tools designed to nurture long-term connections, not quick flings.

Kit Features > Email Marketing

Create on-brand, effective emails, effortlessly

Kit’s email editor makes it quick and easy to customize templates with your content and design so you can create emails that look great, connect with your audience, and get results.

Get a head start on every email

Our pre-built templates, designed by professional creators, have your design and coding covered, so you get an early start on every email.

Add a personal touch

Kit’s email editor includes basic and advanced personalization options so you can tailor content and send your audience the stuff they really want—creating happier fans and stronger engagement rates.

Delivery rate
Average open rate

Always optimized for deliverability

We work hard behind the scenes and in partnership with creators to maximize delivery rates and make sure your carefully-crafted messages make it to your fans.

Use filters to choose who you want to contact.
Write your content.
Click send or schedule your email for later.
Jo Franco

Our members don't even know that it's Kit powering all of this, but every single day, or every week, they get an email. The specificity of the technology that Kit offers and will continue to offer is the game changer for me. It's worth the money. It really is.

Jo Franco

Founder of JoClub

The growth engine behind your business

Success begins with finding fans who love what you do. With Kit, you get the email marketing tools you need to reach new audiences and turn them into subscribers.

Turn casual browsers into email subscribers

Catch eyes and grow your list with customizable opt-in forms and landing page designed by pros. Offer incentives like ebooks or PDFs in exchange for an email address to effortlessly grow your audience and keep the conversation going.

The power of word of mouth

Spend less time worrying about promotion and more time focused on your content. With other Kit creators growing your list for you with Recommendations, you can get back to doing what you really love.

Organize your list. Offer more value.

Every subscriber is different. Kit makes it easy to organize your list by creating segments or tags based on what you know about each fan. Then you can send more relevant content that they’re more likely to engage with.

One list. Limitless possibilities.

Organize your email list with tags and segments to email different groups of your audience by interest, demographics, behaviors—or anything else that helps you personalize your content. Go as as granular as you want.

Target content to each subscriber

The more you segment and tag, the more relevant you can make your emails. That means you can create one email to everyone, but different content shows up for different segments or tags.

Save time and streamline with automations

Automated subscriber journeys are like an assistant—welcoming, nurturing, and selling to your audience in the background. And when you know your automations have everything running smoothly, you can get back to creating.

The right content, delivered automatically

Deliver the right content to your subscribers at the right time. Map out what you want to send to who and when, and automate it all so you maximize value for subscribers, and for your business.

Give subscribers unique journeys

With automations you can do more than send a set of emails. You can do some fancy footwork like pulling subscribers from a pitch sequence after they buy and sending them into the next related flow.

Insights you can act on

Get the numbers you need to see what’s working and how your audience is engaging with your emails, so you can deliver content they care about.

Working with Kit is like having access to a powerful, high-speed rocket that launches your business toward success ... plus a team of smart people to help everything run efficiently.

Pamela Wilson
Pamela WilsonAuthor and speaker

Every email is impactful

Creators who mean business are powered by Kit.

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