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The simplest way to build automated subscriber journeys

From organizing your subscribers to triggering email sequences, set up your ideal customer journeys with our Visual Automations tool and be confident that the right content reaches the right people at the right time.

Kit Features > Visual Automations

The automations builder that doesn’t scare you away

Automations can be sophisticated, but they don’t have to be complicated. Use our intuitive visual builder to map out how you want to segment and interact with your audience.

Targeted automations for different entry points

Whether you’re setting up an exclusive event or funneling opt-ins from across your platform, you can build a single or multiple entry point automation to make sure your audiences are heading down the pre-built customer journey you created for them.

Keep your content relevant

Build an automation that instantly reacts to your subscribers’ behavior so every email you send is relevant to them. When they purchase a new product, click on a link, or complete a new form, you can set them down a new journey that’ll keep them engaged.

Clear journey overview

The visual automation builder gives you an eagle-eye view of the experience your subscriber has. Easy way to know exactly how they enter and exit the workflow—no complications you need to untangle.

Let evergreen sequences work for you

When subscribers hit an automation entry point, instantly send them targeted automated email sequences to stay top of mind.

Welcome your subscribers

Give all your new subscribers an introduction to your content with a welcome sequence. This gives them an understanding of what to expect. Plus, it’s a chance to showcase your most popular content.

Launch a product

Have seasonal product launches? Write a sequence of sales emails to pitch your new subscribers to convert them into your best customers. Once they’ve purchased, you can filter them out of the sequence so they don’t get any irrelevant content.

Clean your list

An engaged list is better than a big list. Build a subscriber reactivation sequence to re-engage any cold subscribers who are still interested and unsubscribe the rest. This helps your deliverability rates, makes sure your emails land in your subscribers’ inbox, AND saves you money.

More reasons to love these easy automations

Pre-built visual automation templates

Access our library of visual automation templates to get a head start building your ideal subscriber journey. Whether you’re focused on growing your list or promoting new work, we have templates to help you connect with your subscribers.

Kit visual automation templates

Seamless content editing

No need to open multiple tabs or risk losing your train of thought. To edit a form or sequence, just click on your workflow and open the item in the same window.

Plus, you can edit and add emails to any active email sequences. That means you don’t have to wait until your work is all done before sending subscribers into your automated workflows.

Edit your content seamlessly in Kit visual automations

RSS feeds

Did you know you can automatically create a broadcast to deliver your blog posts to your audience? You can set it up to send every time you publish a new post or you can send a digest that rounds up content on a weekly or monthly basis. That’s one less thing on your to-do list.

Set up RSS feeds to create broadcasts automatically
Daniel David Wallace

I use Kit automations to sell my $197 online course every single month with a fully automated sequence and broadcasts using tagging to design personalized offers. I usually cover the cost of Kit in the first day of the month!

Daniel David Wallace

Storyteller and course creator

Save time and grow your business with automations

Sign up for a free Kit trial today and get started with automations so you can get back what you're best at: creating.

No credit card required

Are you a creator with over 5,000 subscribers on your email list?

If you’re looking to switch email providers, we’d love to give you a personalized tour of Kit to learn more about your needs and how we can help you grow your business.

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