ConvertKit is becoming Kit

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The creator economy has evolved a lot since ConvertKit began 11 years ago. And we’ve evolved with it.

Our platform has grown far beyond its original function of helping creators like you convert your audience into customers. Today, you use our features to connect, grow, automate, launch, create, earn, and so much more.

It’s clear: you’re a creator who means business. As we look ahead to the next decade, we have big goals to help make your business even more valuable.

So, we’re making a change in service of this vision.

We’re rebranding to Kit.

And this is more than just a name change.

As Kit, our product philosophy is all about scalability and giving you the actionable insights you need to grow your business. And because each creator business is unique, the features in your Kit can be tailored just for you.

We’re building the operating system for the creator economy. That starts with:

  • An app store where anyone can develop and expand on Kit to bring in extra tools
  • A central hub for your data with enhanced reporting to pull insights from
  • And the biggest and best Creator Network to help you find new collaboration partners

This comes alongside improvements to the features you already know and love using to run your business.

And because we know that scale matters, we’re investing in performance to ensure our platform works as fast as you do.

We’re also investing in the next generation of creators by introducing the Newsletter Plan, which is free for up to 10,000 subscribers. Because now more than ever, we believe the future belongs to creators.

And we still believe in the initial values we set for our company—like working in public, defaulting to generosity, and teaching everything we know.

That’s why we’re rebranding in public.

Over the next few months, you can expect updates from us about the rebranding process, the challenges we’ve encountered, and what we’ve learned as we work on officially becoming Kit in October.

It’s our hope that you can apply these learnings when you’re defining and evolving the brand for your business. And we’ll ask for your input at key moments to help us create a brand that truly resonates with you as a creator.

You’ve done a lot with ConvertKit over the years (like sending 112.3 billion emails, earning $32.1M through ConvertKit Commerce and gaining 5.8M subscribers from Recommendations), but we know that’s only the beginning.

We’re excited to go on this journey with you and to be your Kit for engaging your audience and building a more valuable business. Still have questions? Read our FAQs.

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